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Recycle Your Art Show

Art-Swap Fundraiser


August 2,3 & 4

We're pleased to announce the return of CCA's popular Recycle Your Art Show! The art-swap style show allows the community to refresh their personal art collection while supporting arts programming at the Center.

August 2 from 12-3 pm

August 3 from 12-5 pm

August 4 from 12-5 pm

How does it work?  The Show will sell art that has been donated by our fabulous artists, collectors, and people and families that have art collecting dust in the closet begging to be put on a wall and will help to support our community art center in providing local and regional arts and entertainment (plays, musicals, music, ballet and other dance, classes, and other activities in our community). As in past years, the variety of items is vast and of high quality, including paintings, prints, ceramics, decorative objects, sculpture, art glass, jewelry, and other items.

So, where do you fit in?  You have graciously and lovingly donated in the past, so we ask that you look around your studios, your closets, on the walls, in drawers, boxes, and other places to see if there is something that could find a new home.

What are the criteria for donations? Donations should be high-quality, framed two- and three-dimensional art. Paintings can be abstract, figurative, or still life by any artist (local, national, or international). We would also like to see other art pieces, including glass, pottery, stained glass, etc...

When do we need these pieces?  Please bring the items that you are willing to part with to the Gallery at 215 Cascade on July 6th - 8th from 11am - 6pm. Tell us about the piece -   Please include any history or details that will help us; such as the artist’s name, where purchased, cute story about the piece and estimated value.

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