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Summer Camp Registration 2024

Camp Sessions

Please select the session(s) that you would like to register for below. If you're registering more than one child, please complete a form for each camper. 

Creating Together Camp is for children ages 8-12.

Scholarships are available upon email request to

The Harmonious Free Play of Imagination & Understanding: Enter the imaginary world of fairy tale and folklore and create a mythical creature or character.  Build a costume and perform that character in a play.

Let Your Wild Side Show: Create expressive animal paper mache masks and heads with visual artist Molly Holmlund.

Natural World is a Circus: Join the Dynamic Duo, naturalist Drew Eastman and clown Barnaby King in an exploration from the inner world to the outer world and beyond in this performing arts and science mash up.

More Flowers, please!: Create magical flower mandalas, leis, ikebana and more as you explore how cultures around the world elevate the beauty of flowers to an art form with floral artist Molly Harman and visual artist Stephanie Delgado.

Registration Fee

Enter your registration fee into the field below. Standard Registration is $200 per child, per session. If you've received scholarship from Arts in Education of the Gorge, enter the fee after your scholarship. If a balance is due, you'll receive an email with a link to pay for your registration after we process your registration. 

Parent Information
Second Parent/Guardian
Emergency Contact

We will always call parents first. Please provide an emergency contact if you're unreachable. 

Other than the parents above, would you like to authorize anyone else to pick up your child? Please provide names and relationships to child below. We will require photo ID for pickup.

Medical Release Information

Does your child have any medical conditions, allergies, or medications that we should be aware of? Or any social, emotional, or behavioral challenges?

I understand that I will be notified in the case of a medical emergency involving my child. In the event that I cannot be reached, I authorize the calling of a doctor or ambulance and the providing of necessary medical services in the event my child is injured or becomes ill.

Photo Release Information

I hereby give permission for my child to be photographed during the Summer Art Camp Sessions. I understand the photos may be used as demonstration of camp activities on the website and social media.  I understand that although my child's photograph may be used for marketing and events, their identity will not be disclosed.

Release & Indemnity

I hereby release Columbia Arts and Arts in Education of the Gorge, both Oregon nonprofit corporations, their employees, agents, officers, directors, successors and assigns for, from and against any and all claims and liabilities arising out of or in connection with participation in events and classes at Columbia Center for the Arts located at 215 Cascade Avenue Hood River, Oregon, and related services and my use of any equipment, facilities or services provided in conjunction therewith.


The undersigned parents or guardians of the child named below do hereby agree to indemnify and hold Columbia Arts and Arts in Education of the Gorge, their employees, agents, officers, directors, successors and assigns for, from and against any and all claims and liabilities arising out of or in connection with the child’s participation in the events and classes at Columbia Center for the Arts.


In the event of any claims or litigation arising out of or in connection with participation in the events and classes at Columbia Center for the Arts and related services, the venue for any legal proceedings shall be Hood River County, Oregon.  This Release and Indemnity Agreement includes claims based upon negligence, but it does not extend to claims where a release may be prohibited by law.  If any part of this agreement is declared to be unenforceable, the remaining terms shall continue to be valid.  This indemnity shall include all costs and attorney’s fees.

Thank you for registering for Creating Together Summer Camps. If a balance is due, you'll receive an email to submit payment soon!

Visit Us
215 Cascade Ave, Hood River, OR 97031
Gallery Hours: Wed - Sun 12pm - 5pm
** We're recruiting volunteers to hold these gallery hours. **
** Hours vary for events, with the center generally opening 1 hour prior. 
Keep In Touch
Mailing Address

Columbia Arts, PO Box 1543, Hood River, OR 97031



© 2024 by Columbia Center for the Arts. All rights reserved.

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